Great Ilsenburg to Wernigerode Tour


Today I made a huge hiking trip from Ilsenburg to Wernigerode [total length: ~ 25 km]. I started by taking the bus from Wernigerode to Ilsenburg

Bus to Ilsenburg

The first point of interest was the Ilsestein (rock formation). [length: ~ 3,5 km]

(Way to the) Ilsestein

Next stop was the Oberförster-Koch-Denkmal (Monument for a head forester named 'Koch') via the Plessenburg tavern (small detour due to ongoing foresting). At the monument I has a lunch break. [length: ~ 6,4 km]

Oberförster-Koch-Denkmal (monument)

The next point of interest was the Wolfsklippe (rock formation). [length: ~ 1 km]

(Way to the) Wolfsklippe (rock formation)

Next step was the Molkenhausstern (crossing of multiple hiking tracks). [length: ~ 1,9 km]

(Way to the) Molkenhausstern (crossing)

Finally I started the final way to the Wasserkunst Thumkuhlental" (water mill powering a water pump) >strong>[Length: ~ 6,7 km]

Wasserkunst Thumkuhlental (water mill)

Arrival at Wernigerode and reward. [length: ~ 5,5 km]



Dinner was Indian cuisine at Garden of India.

Dinner at Garden of India
